Of The Land on Which We Meet

People doing acrobatics

Walking on stone and cement it can be hard to remember what it feels like to have earth beneath our feet.  
Of the Land on Which We Meet follows the journey of three contemporary Australian circus artists with distinct relationships with Country; an indigenous Australian, a descendant of migrants, and a descendant of colonial settlers. 

Using Na Djinang Circus’ signature tone and style of physical representation of Indigenous forms merged with Western mediums, Of the Land on Which We Meet takes a closer look at the Acknowledgement of Country and searches for a way to address the possible lack of connection contemporary Australians have with the spirituality of the land and hopes to re-discover the connection we once had. 

Supported by Melbourne Fringe, The City of Melbourne, The City of Maribyrnong, Craig Semple, Creative Victoria, Creative Australia, The Women’s Circus and Regional Arts Victoria. 

Cost: Pay as you feel:

I’m a patron of the arts - $50
I support the arts - $25
Sharing the love - $15
Like movie prices in the 90s - $10
Every little bit counts - $5
FOMO, no dough - $0

Duration: 70 minutes, no interval

Date and Time

Saturday 31 May, 6pm 

Date and Time
Drum Theatre
Corner Lonsdale and Walker Streets, Dandenong
Cost of Event (if any)
Cost: Patron of the arts -$50 / Support the arts-$25 / Sharing the Love -$15 / Like movie prices in the 90s- $10 Every little bit counts-$5 / FOMO, no dough - $0
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