The play Piano is set in the seventies when the old dial telephones were prevalent.
It was the time when the telephone was the only source of communication. It’s important to note here that there were definitely no mobiles and computers.
This is a Play about two people in their respective flats in Bombay. There is a man who sees an Ad, which says ‘Piano for Sale’ in the newspaper. He calls the lady who is trying to sell the Piano as a Buyer. He takes on different characters sometimes a even women like a Lucknow ki Nani, a Child or at times the sophisticated Piano Dealer creating ridiculously hilarious conversation. He keeps calling the unsuspecting lady as different people and troubles the life out of her. And let’s leave it here for you to see a glimpse of two lonely lives.
Duration: 145 minutes
Sunday 6 April, 4.30pm-6.15pm