Mr Jeff is an entertainment specialist renowned for his charismatic showmanship, welcoming stage presence and engaging performance style. With years of experience on international stages and in the circus ring, this work hones his skill in transporting audiences to a state of wonder and play.
In this highly visual fusion of circus and magic Jeff explores a mysterious room packed with marvels – think ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ meets Charlie Chaplin – using novelty and circus skills to create moments of hilarity and captivating imagery. Stand-out pieces include a bottle with a will of its own, a mind-bending hoops act and a flying cane that defies gravity.
This playful fusion of circus and magic is perfect for people of all ages, guaranteed to create unforgettable memories for you and your family. Dazzling, charming and astonishing . . . the enchanted world of The Quizzical Mr Jeff awaits.
This performance is part of the Drum's Encore Program. All Encore tickets include complimentary morning tea and a parking voucher. Morning tea is provided before the show, from 9.30am.
Duration: 50 minutes, no interval
Note: Suitable for all ages
Weekly Best Circus at Perth Fringe World 2019
Melbourne Magic Festival Artistic Excellence Award 2019
Best Family Show Melbourne Magic Festival 2021
"Boasting a flamboyant array of costumes and a flair for physical comedy, The Quizzical Mr Jeff is a visually arresting show that promises to have audiences of all ages spellbound”
Time Out
“Jam packed with action and wondrous feats”
Drew Ames
“There were many ‘laugh out loud’ moments in this super fun show that is definitely great for the whole family”
“One of a kind and definitely worth seeing, if not for the magic, then for the undoubtedly fun time you’ll have”
Fringe Feed
“Humorous onstage antics and polished circus skills”
Fringe Review
If you require additional assistance to participate, please get in contact with us.
Thursday 26 September, 10.30am